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A Clinic That Offers Free Pregnancy Tests And Guidance

by Serenity Burns

If you think that you are pregnant and are scared about this prospect, you may have decided to confide in a counselor. An abortion clinic that provides counseling offers free pregnancy tests and guidance.

A Clinic

A minor or a single woman who does not have a support system may seek the help that a clinic offers. A woman who does not have any medical coverage may also seek assistance through a clinic.

A clinic offers a supportive environment. Compassionate staff members understand the uncertainties that many women experience when they suspect that they are pregnant.

Tests And Further Guidance

Tests that are administered in a clinical setting will confirm a pregnancy. Once the confirmation is made, a client will receive further guidance with handling the pregnancy.

If a test determines that a client is not pregnant, a caregiver will discuss birth control with the client. If the client is at a time in their life in which getting pregnant would not be ideal, the client can pursue one of the birth control methods that the caregiver discusses with them. 


A pregnant client does not need to make any decisions during their initial appointment. A medical provider will discuss the options that a client has. They will furnish literature that will explain abortion procedures, adoption, and pregnancy. A client who seeks services through a clinic is encouraged to make the decision that is best for them.

There are many factors that may influence one's decision to go through the pregnancy or to terminate it. The best way for a client to decide what to do is to review all of the literature at their leisure. This will allow a client to carefully weigh their options without being influenced by anyone else's input.


If a client decides to keep their baby, they may be able to schedule their medical exams directly through the clinic. An abortion clinic offers free or affordable medical exams to their clients.

If a client chooses to be seen by a doctor outside of the clinic. they may be able to receive a referral through the clinic. This type of service allows a client to be matched with a doctor whose office is conveniently located near a client's residence.


A client can continue to receive counseling throughout their pregnancy or before and after an abortion procedure is performed. Counseling will provide a client with the emotional support they need during a pregnancy or leading up to and following an abortion.

Reach out to a clinic like Bartow Family Resources Medical to learn more.
